Mr Magic entertains young and old

Library magician 1Mr Magic, aka Jonathan May, entertained audiences of all ages last week, hosted by the Greene County libraries.

Mr Magic performed his 45-minute show at the United Methodist Church in Jefferson and at the libraries in Grand Junction and Rippey on Monday, and at the libraries in Paton, Churdan and Scranton on Tuesday. He told the children of learning his first magic tricks from books he found at the public library as a boy.

His performances were paid for with county funding directed to the Greene County library consortium. The county supervisors follow a very specific formula based on the number of rural residents served by each library for the larger portion of its library funding. The supervisors then also allocate a lump sum each year from the Dreyfus funds that goes to county-wide library programming. The annual Toddler Fest, the recent visit by staff from the Science Center, and May’s performances are examples of how the librarians use those discretionary funds.Library magician 3

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